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As the right to marry became the overarching focus of the LGBTQ movement, THINK AGAIN decided to "pop the question." Kicking off on Valentine's Day 2000 at the city courthouse in San Francisco, the mobile billboard and postcard campaign brought the marriage debates to street level to reconsider what the media ignored -- that the average person leads most of their life unmarried and that the institution of marriage is still the primary way the state grants economic benefits and legal rights.


THINK AGAIN examined the distinctions between civil, religious and common law marriage and explored the history and characteristics of the institution. We supported the conviction that LGBTQ people are entitled to the same rights as heterosexuals, but on the other hand,  POPPING THE QUESTION asked: The question isn't whether the state should marry queers but whether the state should marry anyone? Does someone have to recite marriage vows to get health insurance? How are singles penalized by preferences offered to married couples?


POPPING THE QUESTION also addressed the wedding industrial complex. Current statistics reveal that the average American wedding costs $28,427. In some areas of California $42,319 and in Manhattan costs reach $76,687. THINK AGAIN'S mobile billboards queried: Who manufactures the day of your dreams? Who profits from the wedding industry? What are the working conditions of the laborers sewing wedding gowns and mining diamonds?  

Many things have changed since 2000, including Obergefell v. Hodges, the landmark United States Supreme Court case that legalized gay marriage in 2015. Nevertheless, the media continues to idealize marriage, chastise unwed teens, castigate single parents and ignore the conditions still endured by many workers.



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